Living Successfully Inc. (LSI) offers the tools and leadership to guide you towards your success. These include professional business coaching, business consulting, staff and leadership training, human behaviour consulting to individuals and businesses all focused on helping you to accomplish your goal.
See the details of our services below and feel free to contact us.
Psychometric Assessments
Helping you get the best from yourself and your team. People are complex, requiring more than the traditional behavioural profile to assess and maximize each individual’s potential. So, we look at the other facets like thinking styles, motivators, learning styles and emotions. These combine to give a more complete picture of the individual.
Behavioural Styles
This is the primary indicator of how a person can “fit” into a particular environment.
Motivational Styles
Answering the “why” to the reason we do what we do. Here we look at the seven universal dimensions which drives us: Aesthetic, Economic, Individualistic, Political, Altruistic, Regulatory and Theoretical.
Thinking Styles
Based upon Robert S. Hartman’s formal axiology, this unique assessment measures each individual’s problem-solving skills and the ability to avoid the blindspots associated with situational bias. Assessing the critical thinking, judgment and decision-making attributes.
Emotional IQ Styles
The Emotional Intelligence (EIQ) assessment allows us to understand the relationship between emotions and human interaction. Allowing for improved decision making, leadership, reading the emotions in others and engaging in a greater number of mutually beneficial workplace outcomes.
Learning Styles
Learning Styles, does just as its name implies, it identifies how each individual best learns and retains new information. Some people like to process information through text, while others need visual support and images.
Why Assessments
Professional Business & Life Coaching
We all have goals, targets and dreams that we would like to achieve. Many times, we struggle to realize them as they become lost in the fog of our daily activities. Professional business and life coaching can assist in clearing the fog, getting you focused and support you in building a realistic implementable plan for achieving these goals with these five steps:
Building awareness of where you are in relation to the objective
Articulating the vision of where you want to go
Developing a strategy and action plan to get you there
Mitigating against the obstacles that can get in the way
Implementing and re-accessing the plan as it is rolled out
Your coach will help you develop the clarity required, while holding you responsible and accountable in the achievement of the stated objective.
Coaching is delivered one-on-one or in groups depending upon the needs of the client.
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Business Development & Training
Business development and staff training is aimed at improving efficiency, increasing productivity and helping our client to achieve success, by providing resources to assist in:
Customer Service training
Every business exists because of its customers. By delivering excellent customer service a business can maintain its existing customers and win new ones. Excellent customer service is what sets one business apart from its competition.
Team Building & Development
Cohesive teams are invariably productive, by developing a high functioning team the business benefits from improved efficiency, staff is happier through greater interaction and the customer is better served. Having a unified team is a win-win for everyone.
Increase Sales & Productivity
Every organization is in the business of selling something, whether it’s a product or service. If we productively increase sales we will increase our ability to succeed.
Human Resource Optimization
Maximizing our human resource involves matching the strengths of our people to the needs of the business. How you train, reward and promote your staff is the keys to maximizing their job satisfaction and productivity.
New Hire Selection
The success of the business starts with hiring the right person for the right job.
An organization’s staff is it’s greatest resource, how they are selected, developed and motivated will therefore be one of the more important aspects of its success.
Video Tutorials
Building a great team.
The great basketball player Michael Jordan once said, "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
As it is in the world of sports so it is too in the world of business, so often in business we go out and hire the best talent and end up with far less than the best productivity.
If this is what you desire for your organization, club or business we at LSI are well position and equipped to assist you in building that world-class team.
We are certified in human behavior assessments, and are trained facilitators for –
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team(TM) , the proven system for building professional teams.
Let us work with you to build the team you deserve.